JP Klotz : Omaha : Patient Interview and Case Conference : March 26, 2010

Lasting Hope Recovery Center and theCircle for the Lacanian Orientation of Omahaand theDivision of Psychoanalysis, Creighton University Department of Psychiatry collaboratively present a Patient InterviewAndPsychoanalytic Case ConferencewithJean-Pierre Klotz, MDPsychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Bordeaux and Paris, FranceMember, Ecole de la Cause freudienne and World Association of Psychoanalysis to be held on Friday, March 26, 20102:00 PM –…

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JP Klotz at the KANEKO: « Relationships 2.0? How the New Social Media is Reshaping Your Mind »

« Relationships 2.0? How the New Social Media is Reshaping Your Mind » A Lecture and Panel Discussion with Jean-Pierre Klotz Friday, March 26, 2010, at 5:30, at the KANEKO in Omaha, Nebraska Co-sponsored byKANEKOCircle for the Lacanian Orientation of OmahaDivision of Psychoanalysis, Creighton University Department of Psychiatry For more information and Registration: Partagez cet article     

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