Captivations of the Algorithmic Ego – Colin Wright (NLS)

Text from Lacanian Review on Line: Against the lures of the imaginary, Jacques-Alain Miller has defined psychoanalysis as “an invitation for the subject to abstract himself from the ineluctable modality of the visible and renounce the image in favour of the signifier.”[1] How crucial a clinical orientation this is, in our Society of the…

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The Lacanian Review #7: GET REAL

PRESENTATION In our Post-Truth era, reality is under attack. The contemporary moment is disoriented by fake news, chatbots, conspiracy theories and a digital flood of leaks, lies and revelations. On hold with automated phone answering services, one pleads to just talk to a real person. But we are also complicit, enjoying online avatars, virtual reality,…

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LONDON – Tale of a city of ones-all-alone – Natalie Wilfing (NLS)

Originally from: In different centuries and eras, London has given refuge to the Huguenots, the Jews, the Bangladeshis and the Russian Oligarchs – the latter, the most persecuted group of them all, because they persecute each other. Asylum seekers or economic migrants, why do they choose London? Is it because they do not know…

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El cuerpo pornográfico: marcas y adicciones – Libro de Silvia Ons

Reseña Gustavo Dessal En Historia del cuerpo,[1] leemos que “los historiadores suelen olvidar la tensión existente entre el objeto científico y el cuerpo que prueba el placer y el dolor”. El cuerpo como objeto científico, que comienza con el postulado cartesiano del cuerpo máquina, no es el del psicoanálisis, que se ocupa del Otro cuerpo,…

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