JLW – Jacques Lacan Workshop is taking up the teaching of Lacan in NYC after Jacques-Alain Miller’s Orientation
Wednesday, September 21 at 7:30pm
NYU – Steinhardt Art
34 Stuyvesant St
NY, NY 10003
In this session we will be addressing Chapter 10 of The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis – Seminar XI
These lessons, followed by discussion, will lay the ground for the upcoming Paris-USA Lacan Seminar, a tribute to Lacan’s Legacy;
September 30, October 1, October 2, for the 30th Anniversary of Lacan’s death.
Founded by Josefina Ayerza, it is the first Seminar affiliated with UFORCA, the Université Populaire Jacques Lacan.
34 Stuyvesant is just northeast of 3rd Avenue and 9th Street.
A biweekly Seminar, it is free and open to all.
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