The Lacanian Workshop

The Members of the Circle for the Lacanian Orientation of Omaha (CLOO) present a new forum for the discussion of psychoanalysis: the clinical practice of psychoanalysis, but also the theories that have evolved from psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan and the intersection of psychoanalysis with other fields in mental health, medicine, and the broader world of society and culture.
This new project is not a course, but rather a place where people can present work that they are engaged in for discussion with colleagues.
The Lacanian Workshop is presented by CLOO, in collaboration with the Division of Psychoanalysis of the Creighton University Department of Psychiatry.
All sessions of the Workshop are open and there is no registration fee, but people interested in attending a session must register with Thomas Svolos at [email protected].
The sessions are held from 1100-1230 on Fridays.
Upcoming Sessions:
August 14
Psychoanalysis and the Cinema
Filmmakers are often one step ahead of mental health professionals in identifying contemporary issues that people face in everyday life. Using the lens of Lacanian psychoanalysis Gary Marshal will be discussing three films over three weeks.��Discussion of the film Girl Interrupted led by Gary Marshall. The featured theme will be the diagnostic category Borderline Personality Disorder.
August 21
The Semblant in Psychosis��
Thomas Svolos will lead a discussion on the use of the notion of the semblant�in clinical work in cases of psychosis.
August 28
Lacan’s Seminar XVIII: On a Discourse that Would Not Be a Semblant
Pam Jespersen will lead a discussion on selected passages from this text of Lacan.
September 4
No meeting.
September 11
Psychoanalysis and the Cinema
Discussion of the film Lars and the Real Girl led by Gary Marshall. The featured theme will be the psychotic psychic structure.
September 18
Jacques-Alain Miller’s Lecture on « Interpretation »
Pam Jespersen will discuss Miller’s Paris Lecture on the ‘rules’ of interpretation in psychoanalysis.
September 25
Psychoanalysis and the Cinema
Discussion of the film The Three Faces of Eve led by Gary Marshall.� The featured theme will be the diagnostic category of Multiple Personality Disorder.