of the New Lacanian School
Dear Colleagues,
The ‘NLS-Congress Preparatory Seminar’ consists of two parts, the clinical
morning, for members only and clinicians who will make contact with
Veronique Voruz [ [email protected] ] to register, and the afternoon,
open to the public who register with Natalie Wulfing [
[email protected] ].
The first event of this new seminar in preparation of the London
NLS-Congress 2011 is on
16 October 2010
The clinical morning starts at 10.30 to 12.30pm and is lead by Anne Lysy and Christiane Ruffieux, member of
Two case presentations by members of the LS are being circulated in a day or two.
For this reason it is important you have registered as only those on the
list will be sent the papers.
The afternoon, 2.30 – 5.00pm, is on the concept of The Unconscious and will see
the President of the NLS Anne Lysy give a presentation on Seminar XI,
followed by a paper by Penny Georgiou
This Seminar Series is exceptional for the London Society – host of this
congress – as it is designed to create an intensive work environment for the
preparation of the congress theme and its bibliography. Registering intends
to draw attention to this idea and is not meant to exclude, but to include
more purposefully.
If you want to attend please send an email to me or Veronique.
Kind Regards
Natalie Wulfing
· 16 October 2010: The Unconscious
Main speaker: Anne Lysy
Guest speaker (NLS): Christiane Ruffieux
LS speaker: Penny Georgiou
Case presentations: Natalie Wulfing, Hara Pepeli
· 13 November 2010: Repetition
Main speaker: Alexandre Stevens
Guest speaker (NLS): Michele Miech
LS speaker: Adrian Price
Case presentations: Victoria Woollard, Roger Litten
· 4 December 2010: Transference
Main speaker: Geert Hoornaert
Guest speaker (NLS): Martine Coussot
LS speaker: tbc
Case presentations: Véronique Voruz, Heather Chamberlain
· 5 February 2011: The Drive
Main speaker: Pierre-Gilles Guéguen
Guest speaker (NLS): Philippe Bouillot
LS speaker: Philip Dravers
Case presentations: Julia Evans, Michele Julien
· 5 March 2011: The Desire of the Analyst
Main speaker: Pierre Naveau
Guest speaker (NLS): Lieve Billiet
LS speaker: Betty Bertrand
Case presentations: Bogdan Wolf, Penny Georgiou