of the New Lacanian School
The Bureau of the London Society is happy to present you with the programme of the new academic year 2009/2010.
The programme features many different seminars, some of them a series, others one offs, all listed below. You will find a calendar with titles, dates, venue and fee information in the attachment. In the next few weeks we shall add a more substantial abstract and poster for some of the seminars, which will be sent out as soon as they are finished.
The first event is the NLS-Seminar that is to take place on the 3rd October with Marie-Helene Brousse. We look forward to seeing you there.
Kind Regards
Natalie Wulfing
NLS-Seminar: A series of commentaries given by senior analysts of the NLS, on the text ‘Guiding Remarks on a Convention for Female Sexuality’ (Lacan; Ecrits, tr. Fink, B., Norton 2006); Guest Speakers: Marie-Hélène Brousse (Paris), Anne Lysy (Brussels), Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (Paris)
Freud Seminar: An introductory seminar series on Freud’s treatment of the case of Dora and the Young Homosexual Woman – taking Lacan’s commentaries and his later teaching into consideration. Chaired by Natalie Wulfing – with Gabriela van den Hoven, Vincent Dachy and Roger Litten
LS-Seminar: Femininity in the 21st Century; – A series of seminars in preparation of the NLS congress 2010 in Geneva, featuring presentations on the theme of modern styles of living as a woman. Chaired by Vincent Dachy – with Julia Evans, Penny Georgiou, Michele Julien, Hara Pepeli, Natalie Wulfing, Richard Klein
Workshop on the Pass: Testimonies of the end of analysis. Lacan’s ‘Outcome Study’; Chaired by Bogdan Wolf – Guest Speaker: Rose-Paule Vinciguerra
Knottings Seminar: Daughter, Mother, Woman in the 21st Century; Guest Speakers: Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (President of the NLS), Luc Vander Vennet, Richard Klein – A seminar on the annual theme of the NLS featuring theoretical and clinical papers.
WAP – Preparatory Seminar: Speakers will present material to be circulated in preparation of the WAP Congress and conduct a discussion on its theme ‘Semblants and Sinthome’. Chaired by Véronique Voruz – with Adrian Price, Philip Dravers, Bogdan Wolf
Psychoanalysis & Theory: Democracy and Globalisation; The logical structure of democracy has shifted from universalism to globalisation. How does this shift impact on political thought? Chaired by Véronique Voruz – Guest Speakers: Colin Wright (University of Nottingham), Andrjea Zevnik (Aberystwyth University)