The London Society
of the New Lacanian School
Dear Colleagues,
R.I.P.A Psychoanalysis Applied to the Institution Network Seminar
« A Psychoanalytic Approach to Feminine Psychology » .
This year’s theme of work will take « A Psychoanalytic Approach to Feminine Psychology ». Femininity has been central to the work of the Freudian Field since its inception. Indeed, Freud founded psychoanalysis on the sayings of women suffering from symptoms that medicine could not treat or explain. And yet, after decades of work, Freud posed the question, « What does woman want? » Lacan, in his turn, did not neglect the question and, in his engagement with it, came to rethink the principles constituting masculine and feminine positions of being. His text, « Guiding Remarks for a Congress on Feminine Sexuality » launched an effort of work through 1958-1960, and is now taken as a key reference for the theme of the next Congress of the NLS, due to take place in Geneva on the question of, « Daughter, Mother, Woman in the 21st Century ».
Our first meeting will take place at the Maudsley Hospital, Seminar Room, 1st floor, on 27th of November, 2-5pm.
Victoria Woollard, « A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ».
Gustavo Dessal, « Feminine Desire »
Roger Litten, ‘Treating Feminine Sexuality – Freud’s Case of the Young Homosexual Woman’
Convener of the meeting: Gabriela van den Hoven.
Registration fee per delegate £15 cash/£20 cheque.
For Registration e-mail [email protected]
This is a Seminar of the Freudian Field organised in Collaboration with the Department of Psychology, Addictions Division at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Certificates of Continued Professional Development will be available on request.
Kind Regards