The seventh contribution for the Blog of the forthcoming NLS Congress in Ghent, on 17th and 18th May 2014, is a paper by Hara Pepeli. She
takes the poster of the Congress as her starting point, and goes to
interrogate the impossible to say, its relation to desire and to action,
and what can be « re-appropriated
by the subject in the act of saying ».
17th and 18th May 2014
| XIIth
NLS Congress in Ghent 17 et 18 mai 2014 | XIIè
Congrès de la NLS à Gand
Blog of the Congress is
invite you to read and respond with your
« What
cannot be said or the impossible to say« , written by our colleague Hara Pepeli, member of the NLS and the London Society (UK).
Le Blog du Congrès est en
Nous vous invitons à lire le 7ème
texte intitulé « Ce qui ne peut se dire ou l’impossible à dire » par notre collègue Hara Pepeli, membre de la NLS et de la London Society (UK), et à y répondre avec vos commentaires, questions et réflexions. |