ten lines news
n° 618 – nouvelle série
Date: lundi 16 avril 2012
n° 618 – nouvelle série
Date: lundi 16 avril 2012
Sélection des listes de l’AMP
Editeur Luis Solano
Editeur Luis Solano
Buenos Aires
The symbolic order in the XXI Century it is not what it used to be.
What consequences for the treatment?
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Hurry up! / 36
VIII Congreso AMP23-27 de abril 2012 / Hotel HiltonMacacha Guemes 351 – Puerto Madero – Buenos Aires Argentina
OPENING COCKTAIL OF THE VIIIth CONGRESS OF THE WAPExclusive event for the members of the Schools belonging to the World Association of Psychoanalysis.On Monday 23rd April from 20.00 until 22.00 we will meet in the recently inaugurated Bicentennial Museum, where we will share a welcome cocktail with the registered members to celebrate the Opening of the VIII Congress of the WAP.It will be the perfect opportunity to meet, meet up again or to get to know each other and to celebrate being together, for the first time or once again.The place chosen for the event is the ideal location, amalgamating conceptually and with great beauty the historical patrimony with the most developed current technology.200 years of Argentian history can be traversed in its installations, perfectly conceived to illustrate in audiovisual mode the higlights of life past and present in Argentina.This will also be a unique occasion. It is the first time that the Casa Rosada – seat of the Argentinian Government – has agreed to open its doors to a non-official event. We can read in this gesture the importance that psychoanalysis of the Lacanian orientation has in the country and the recognition granted this by the Argentinian State.Built at the back of the Casa Rosada it contains the ruins both of what was the Aduana Taylor of 1855 as well as the Fort of Buenos Aires, the first founding location which dates from the XVIIIth Century.There is a lift for people with reduced mobility.You will also be able to appreciate the striking mural called ‘Plastic Exercise’, considered a pivotal work in Latin-American art.It is the work of the Mexiacan artist David Alfaro Siqueiros, together with the Argentinian artists Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Antonion Berni and Juan Carlos Castagnino, and the Uruguayan designer Enrique Lázaro.All the conditions are in place for us to share a pleasant moment to inaugurate the start of the Congress.The catering will be in the hands of the team that attends to the Government Residence, who will also provide the security. We therefore remind you to bring the card that will be included in the accreditation of the Congress and/or an identity document, given that there will be a list with the names of all the members of the WAP participating in the Congress. Without these minimal requirements you will not be able to gain entry to the Museum.Web page: http://www.museo.gov.ar/*XXI Century PartyOn Friday 27th at 9pm in the Palacio AlsinaAlsina 940 – Buenos AiresPerformances, Open bar, high quality catering.Giant screens like no others in Buenos Aires.DJ, the best dancing music of the Palacio Alsina.Seating area with sofas for conversation, each box with a 42” LED.You are welcome to bring along your partners, friends, or whoever you would like to accompany you to have fun.Entrance (members / non-members /guests who do not participate of the Congress) IMPORTANT US$ 50 untill 23/4 – 24/4 US$ 60Places are limited!You can purchase your tickets through the Congress websitehttp://congresoamp.com/es/template.php
EARLY REGISTRATIONDear Colleagues,Registration for the 8th Congress of the WAP will be open from Tuesday 17th until Sunday 22nd April, from 10am to 5pm at the headquarters of the EOL, 1033 Callao Street, 5th floor, City of Buenos Aires.It is important that ALL COLLEAGUES WHO CAN complete their REGISTRATION IN ADVANCE do so, in order to ensure a better running of the initial day of the Congress.
Forums – Conférences de presse
Contact : Philippe Benichou [email protected]Les ACF suivantes ont déjà annoncé la date de leur Conférence de presse-Forum :ACF-Estérel-Côte d’azur, a eu lieu le 24 marsACF-La Réunion, le 19 avrilACF-MAP, le 21 avril [email protected]ACF-Belgique, le 28 avrilACF-Aquitania, le 5 mai psychanalyse-aquitaine.blogspot.comACF-VLB Nantes, le 24 maiACF-Voie Domitienne le 27 avril Contact : Julia Richards : [email protected]Des ACF organisent des manifestations sur l’autisme :ACF-Normandie , le 10 avril à EvreuxACF-Rhône-Alpes, à Lyon, à Annecy et le 29 septembre à Grenoble(From elf-messager)____________________________________________Montpellier
Contact : Philippe Benichou [email protected]Les ACF suivantes ont déjà annoncé la date de leur Conférence de presse-Forum :ACF-Estérel-Côte d’azur, a eu lieu le 24 marsACF-La Réunion, le 19 avrilACF-MAP, le 21 avril [email protected]ACF-Belgique, le 28 avrilACF-Aquitania, le 5 mai psychanalyse-aquitaine.blogspot.comACF-VLB Nantes, le 24 maiACF-Voie Domitienne le 27 avril Contact : Julia Richards : [email protected]Des ACF organisent des manifestations sur l’autisme :ACF-Normandie , le 10 avril à EvreuxACF-Rhône-Alpes, à Lyon, à Annecy et le 29 septembre à Grenoble(From elf-messager)____________________________________________Montpellier
22 et 23 septembre 2012
Samedi de 9h30 à 17h30 et Dimanche de 10h à 13h
Centre Rabelais 27, Boulevard Sarrail (Esplanade) 34000 Montpellier
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