Issue 16 of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks – NLS

THE LONDON SOCIETY OF THE NEW LACANIAN SCHOOL Dear Colleagues, The London Society is proud to present the new issue 16 of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks* Regulation and Evaluation This volume is dedicated to highlighting the current debate revolving around State-Regulation by exposing and countering the ideology behind Evaluation and Scientific Evidence in the field of…

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VII JORNADA DA DELEGAÇÃO PARAÍBA 8-9 junho 2007 Alguns trabalhos já estão confirmados: O diagnóstico em psicanálise: da classificação ao caso únicoFelipe Paiva (relator) Jussara Avelino, Engrig Vasques: Lacan e a epistemologia científica Luciene Melo, Fernanda Leal, Glacy Gorski, Ana Lúcia Trovão, Guilherme Pimentel , Verônica de Oliveira, Rosário Magno Cavalcanti: A Clínica Artesã: do…

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