Articolo sull’autismo

Considerazioni sull’autismo*Paola Bolgiani (AE, membro della SLP), Raffaella Borio (partecipante SLP), Monica Buemi (partecipante SLP), Mary Nicotra (partecipante SLP), Rosanna Tremante (membro SLP)Un regime di dittatura protettriceUn regime di dittatura protettrice è il modo in cui Annick Deshays, un’autistica mutacica e colta, definisce, nel suo libro, le pratiche di educazione coercitive imposte ai soggetti autistici…

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Communiqué 3 – AFP

Communiqué de l’AFP Autisme : la “pertinence” de la psychanalyse n’est pas démontrée (HAS)(AFP) – PARIS — La “pertinence” des approches psychanalytiques dans la prise en charge de l’autisme n’est pas démontrée, a estimé jeudi la Haute autorité de santé (HAS) sans pour autant condamner ouvertement ces pratiques.Sous le titre “Interventions globales non consensuelles”, le…

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Papers nº 10 Boletín Electrónico del Comité de Acción de la Escuela Una – ScilicetVersión 2011—2012Editorial por Angelina Harari ( portugues y español)Vacilações do simbólico, instabilidades do imaginário, causalidades do real e a presença do psicanalista por Sérgio LaiaDésordres symboliques por Françoise Haccoun ¿Qué legalidad para el psicoanálisis en el siglo XXI? por Juan Pundik…

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Thursday, March 08, 2012 10:22 AM Messager 386 – 2011/2012 Communiqué of the President n° 4/2012 ICLO-NLS is an Affiliated Group now Communiqué de la Présidente n° 4/2012 ICLO-NLS aujourd’hui Groupe Affilié 8 mars 2012 8 March 2012 Communiqué of the President – No. 4/2012: ICLO-NLS is an Affiliated Group now ICLO (Irish Circle of…

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CLINICAL STUDY DAYS 6 “The Psychoanalytic Act in the 21st Century” New York, February 24-26, 2012 SUMMARY On a typical New York winter weekend (a mix of rainy, windy and sunny days), the Lacanian Compass hosted its 6th Clinical Study Days on “The Psychoanalytic Act in the 21st Century.” The CSD was held this past…

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