CONGRESSO AMP – TWITTER   SIGA EL CONGRESO DE LA AMP EN TWITTER    El 9no Congreso de la AMP se acerca! Le invitamos a seguir el Congreso en Twitter @ParisAMP2014 con el fin de mantenerle informado y de conocer desde su publicación las novedades de la página del Congreso Y sobre todo compártalo en Twitter! Partagez cet…

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[SLP-Corriere] Attività Segreteria di Venezia

Nell’ambito delle attività programmate per l’anno 2013-2014 in preparazione del Congresso AMP “Un reale per il XXI secolo”, la Segreteria di Venezia della SLP prosegue gli incontri aperti di lettura che si tengono quindicinalmente sul seminario di J.-A. Miller “L’inconscio reale”. il prossimo appuntamento è fissato per il 10 gennaio 2014. Cordiali saluti Emanuela Scattolin Partagez…

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7th CLINICAL STUDY DAYS  Paradoxes of Transference February 14-16, 2014 New York City CALL FOR PAPERS – ATTENTION: EXTENDED DATELINE! The Seventh Clinical Study Days are to be hosted in New York City in February 14-16, 2014, with the participation of Miquel Bassols, Psychoanalyst, AME, member of the WAP and the ELP. Future President of the World Association…

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7th CLINICAL STUDY DAYS  Paradoxes of Transference February 14-16, 2014 New York City CALL FOR PAPERS The Seventh Clinical Study Days are to be hosted in New York City in February 14-16, 2014, with the participation of Miquel Bassols, Psychoanalyst, AME, member of the WAP and the ELP. Future President of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and…

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