Lacanian Compass express – The real is the mystery of the speaking body

Elisa Alvarenga, in a 2021 video conference for the Lacanian Compass working towards the Clinical Study Days 14, entitled “What Real at stake”, develops the argument that Lacan poses about the real, saying that the real is the ‘mystery of the speaking body’. She will demonstrate that in relation to the non-sexual rapport, the body…

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The Lacanian Review No 12: “American Lacan”

Release Date: April 2022 Link to subscribe to TLR at ECF Echoppe (Individual/Student/Institutions)   Brief The Lacanian Review No12 explores American encounters with psychoanalysis. Following the 40th anniversary of Jacques Lacan’s death, this volume collects histories of Lacan in the United States: how Lacan arrived, who listened, and what developed from transferences that moved through…

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La Cause du désir n. 110

ÉDITORIAL Mur, amur, amour Jacques Lacan se rendit au pays des fastes du baroque et de l’opéra au printemps 1974. Il y évoqua la façon dont le sexe fait corps chez l’être qui habite le langage, cependant que le rapport de l’être sexué à l’Autre sexe ne peut jamais s’écrire logiquement. C’est l’analyse qui permet…

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The Feminine: A Mode of Jouissance – Marie-Hélène Brousse (ECF)

As women assert themselves on the world stage and sexual categories multiply, psychoanalysis reveals that the feminine cannot be reduced to biological or cultural data. This book explores the feminine outside of gender and beyond fantasy. From the words of analysands, it extracts some experiences of jouissance. Female sexuality – the “dark continent” of Freudian…

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Comment finissent les analyses. Paradoxes de la passe – Jacques-Alain Miller

Disponible à partir du 03 Février 2022 Ne vous laissez pas distancer, Précommandez-le dès maintenant ! Freud parle d’être « analysé à fond ». Qu’est-ce que cela veut dire ? La question a toujours été une pomme de discorde, la bouteille à l’encre, voire le pot-au-noir. En fait, pour Freud, toute analyse est vouée à achopper sur une impasse,…

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Do infinito de fora ao ínfimo de dentro – Psicanálise e prática institucional

Musso Greco – Organizador O livro « Do infinito de fora ao ínfimo de dentro – Psicanálise e prática institucional » convida colegas praticantes de Psicanálise a trazerem suas contribuições à questão: o que caracteriza uma instituição de cuidados que se oriente pela Psicanálise lacaniana? O que recolhemos são demonstrações da aplicação da Psicanálise ao campo do…

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