The War of Neurons – Guy Poblome

From Translated by Janet Haney and John Haney These last years, research on the neurological causes of autism have multiplied as well as contradicted themselves. The dominant theory, according to studies from MRI imaging, shows in autistic subjects both a lack of so-called “long-distance” connections that connect distant neurons in the brain, and a…

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Lets talk about the unconscious…STILL – 28th Study-Days of the EOL

ARGUMENT By Gabriela Basz and Mónica Gurevicz Directors of the Study-Days Translated by Roger Litten From THE LACANIAN REVIEW ONLINE 30th November & 1st December 2019 – Hotel Panamericano, CABA, Argentina « The supposition of the unconscious is necessary and legitimate, we possess numerous proofs of its existence … parapraxes, dreams and psychic symptoms » (Freud, « The…

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DONNE IN PSICOANALISI – Argomento (italiano)

Tradotto da Cinzia Crosali con la collaborazione di Paola Bolgiani Incomparabili   Analiste, analizzanti, protagoniste dei racconti di analizzanti… In psicoanalisi, ci sono delle donne! Perché le donne hanno un’affinità particolare con questa scienza dell’amore, della sessualità, del desiderio e del godimento. La femminilità è ciò verso cui si orienta un’analisi per chi cerca la…

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Phallus ou symptôme ? – Dominique Laurent (ECF)

De l’hystérie freudienne à l’hystérie lacanienne C’est de la plainte des femmes jusque-là adressée aux médecins et aux prêtres, qu’a surgi la découverte freudienne de l’inconscient et la formalisation de l’hystérie. Mais ces femmes merveilleuses qui soutinrent le désir de savoir de Freud, laissèrent place assez vite aux récalcitrantes pour mettre en évidence le point…

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