The Psychoanalytical Notebooks 23, Out Now

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} The London Society of the New Lacanian School The Psychoanalytical Notebooks 23, Out Now The new issue of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks of the London Society of the NLS has come out (154 pages). The price is £ 15 plus postage. It can be ordered from the website of…

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Hurry Up! / 4 / Español / Francais / English / português / Italiano

Hurry Up! / 4Oct. 2011 Español <>Jornada Clínica / InscripcionesFrancais <>Journée clinique/ Inscriptions English <>Clinical Day / Registrations Português <>Jornada Clínica/ Inscrições Italiano <>Giornata Clinica/ Iscrizioni Free Rafah! Partagez cet article     

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AMP- Communiqué du Secrétariat de la Garantie de l’AMP

ASSOCIATION MONDIALE de PSYCHANALYSE Communiqué du Secrétariat de la Garantie de l’AMP du 2 octobre 2011 La Commission de la garantie de l’ECF, réunie le 1er juin 2011 a décidé de proposer la nomination des psychanalystes suivants comme Analyste Membres de l’École (AME)*. Christiane ALBERTI, Gil CAROZ, Gilles CHATENAY, Gilbert JANNOT, Sophie MARRET-MALEVAL, Franck ROLLIER,…

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From Éric Laurent on the PULSE

The Paris-US Lacan Seminar Autumn Sunday, October 2, 2011 LACAN’S LEGACY: THIRTY YEARS IN THE LACANIAN ORIENTATlON « Nobody interprets psychoanalysis today according to the canons that prevailed previously. » J.-A. Miller, course of 26 March 2008 Photos by Raha Raissnia New York City, 20 jours après les cérémonies commémoratives du 9 septembre 2001, qui a ouvert…

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This week in New York

LECTURE: Eric Laurent at The New York Academy of MedecineTuesday October 4, 20118 pm.1216 Fifth Avenue at 103rd St.Free and open to the public Post-PULSE at the NYFLAGThis is an invitation to all those who participated and who are interested in Lacan’s teaching to meet this Wednesday October 5, at 8 pm at Barnard Hall,…

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Lacan dot com – Newsletter

LACAN’S LEGACY: THIRTY YEARS IN THE LACANIAN ORIENTATlON « Nobody interprets psychoanalysis today according to the canons that prevailed previously. » J.-A. Miller, course of 26 March 2008 New York City, 20 days after the ceremonies in commemoration of September 11th 2001, which opened the century. It is raining hard, but nothing like the devastating storms of…

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