—————————————————————————VIth CONGRESS of the NLSGhent 15-16 march 2008 —————————————————————————ARGUMENT The title of our congress, The Body and its Objects in the Psychoanalytic Clinic puts us on the path of the WAP Congress which will take place in Buenos-Aires one month after, on The Objects a in the Analytic Experience . The choice to broach the…

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Entrevista a Judith Miller en BH (Audio)

Entrevista radial a Judith Miller ( audio – fragmento)clikear aquí: audio mp3 Un Obstáculo en lo Social En el marco del III Encuentro Americano que tuvo lugar los primeros días de agosto le propusimos una entrevista a Judith Miller , quien participó también de su contrapartida europea ,el Encuentro Pipol realizado unas semanas antes…

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The Pass in USA

The Members of the World Association of Psychoanalysis in the United States are pleased to announce the first Testimonies of the Pass by an Analyst of the School to be presentedin the United States in Miami and New York. Mauricio Tarrab, M.D. Analyst of the School (A.E.)Psychoanalyst, Member of the Escuela de Orientacion Lacaniana Mauricio…

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