[Lacanian-Orientation-US] CSD4 website and email address

Please visit www.clinicalstudydays.us for more information about our upcoming CSD4, including registration information. Any questions regarding the event or registration may be addressed to clinicalstudydays4@yahoo.com Presentation The Clinical Study Days are the annual meeting presented by the Committee of the World Association of Psychoanalysis for the United States. While each Study Days is oriented on…

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[Lacanian-Orientation-US] NLS AGORA 340: NEW WEBSITE OF THE NLS

NLS AGORA 340 __________________________________________________________________ NEW WEBSITE OF THE NLS Dear Colleagues We are pleased to announce that the new website of the NLS is available online at: www.amp-nls.org *** The latest Directory of the Members of the NLS is also available on the site. Could you please check that your details are accurate and up…

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[EBP-Veredas] V Jornada da Delegação RN

Eixos TémáticosSintoma e semblante na psicose e na neuroseSintoma e semblante na clínica com crianças e adolescentesSemblante: entre sinthoma e real?Semblante e laço social no trabalho de saúde mental e/ou nas práticas institucionaisPrazo de submissão de trabalhos: Até dia 30 de setembroEnviar resumo de 10 linhas e informar eixo temático do trabalho Normas de Publicação…

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JUEVES 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2009PSICOLOGIA › CAÍDA DEL PUDOR EN LA SOCIEDAD CONTEMPORÁNEA “El imperio del culo” En la época actual, “lo privado sufre una transformación, haciéndose público y apto para el consumo –sostiene la autora–: el capitalismo tardío inaugura el imperativo de que se puede decir todo y mostrar todo, propiciando así la…

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