[ecf-messager] Après-midi de l’Envers de Paris

Après-midi de l’Envers de Paris« Les va-et-vient de la pulsion de mort :l’insistance du réel »le 14 novembre à l’École de Communication Visuelle de Paris1 rue du Dahomey, 75011 Paris Le concept freudien de pulsion de mort traverse tout l’enseignement de Jacques Lacan qui conserve ce concept jusque dans ses dernières interventions.Lacan a tour à…

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Psychoanalytical Notebooks 19 – New Special Issue: ‘Ordinary Psychosis’

The London Society of the New Lacanian School Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce a new issue of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks, No 19, Special Issue ‘Ordinary Psychosis’. CONTENTS ORDINARY PSYCHOSISMarie-Hélène Brousse – Ordinary Psychosis In The Light Of Lacan’sTheory Of DiscourseDEVELOPING THE THEORYJean-Pierre Klotz – Ordinary Psychosis And Modern SymptomsRussell Grigg – Language As…

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[Lacanian-Orientation-US] July 19 VIDEO-SEMINAR with Leonardo Gorostiza

For WAP Members and Invited Guests: World Association of Psychoanalysis in the United States Video-Seminar Session #5 « Interpretation » with our guest Leonardo Gorostiza Buenos Aires, Argentina Member, Escuela de la Orientacíon Lacaniana Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:30 Eastern Standard [New York] Time For this meeting, we will address the issue of Interpretation, with continued focus…

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